Showing 19 Result(s)

Of Cabbages and Kings

Every now and then, my royal German blood* cries out for a head – of cabbage. Usually, I use it as sauerkraut, occasionally making my own. Sometimes, I like savory homemade slaw like my mother used to make. Today I bought a cabbage. That’s right, one. Even though I’m making enough kraut for my sis …


Random Thoughts August

My brain is swimming. Okay, not literally, though it is surrounded by cerbrospinal fluid for a small amount of shock absorption, so maybe literally.

Sorry, where was I?  😉

I’m working on three separate projects right now. I bounce around between them as mood and inspiration strike.

Two are editizing (my weird rebellion against jargon combining revising and editing), the third is a new short story.

The short story is about nude female model in an art class and an instructor with some issues. The hero, so far, is a psych teacher that’s taking the class to see if the rumors about the art instructor are true. But you never know if he’ll stay the hero, there might be a twist. I won’t know until the end either.

The editizing projects include a short story for next spring’s Bowman’s Inn Anthology (coming next spring) and Roadster Romance, a romance novella. Or is it Romance. I’m not sure.


Random: Randomness

I have neglected you. I’m sorry. Actually, I have a good reason. I was overstimulated. Way too much time with other people. Other people being family usually. Right now I’m sick. I didn’t fend off a toddler’s hands fast enough. :p I didn’t want to just leave you alone and un-Julia-ed in spite of feeling …

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