Getting to know R-R this month has been enjoyable. With a style that’s sharp and clear, R-R’s writing is concise and simple, yet clever with interesting twists and characters. The current WIP is a Collection series, an interesting take on POVs and story arcs.
And that brings me to my first question.
J.W. What are you currently working on and what is it about?
R-R.V My current WIP is a drama, urban fantasy, romance about a group of people that moves into a mansion owned by a rich dude, named Emmett Kross, that claims to work as a stockbroker. The story moves through a bunch of different arcs. Every arc has several novellas and those novellas are written in first POV from each character. So the first novella is written from Melker’s POV and the second novella is written from Kiriya’s POV but those two novellas take place during the same time period, just from different views. Am I making any sense?
J.W. So series within a series. That’s a cool idea. So the reader will be able to follow from a particular character’s POV or all POVs for each period of time. That’s a cool idea. Do you write full-time or part-time?
R-R.V I haven’t gotten a cent for my writing…yet. I’m a hobby writer that hopes to someday become a full-time author. I think about my characters and writing more than full-time though. They are on my mind constantly.
J.W. Isn’t that the truth? What do you find to be the easiest thing about writing?
R-R.V The easiest thing about writing or the easiest thing about writing? When my characters speak to me and inspiration flows, then writing is the easiest thing to do in the world. The easiest thing to write is the characters. I have been praised for the way I portray characters. I think that comes from the fact that my characters are the ones that I focus on as I’m bad at descriptions.
J.W. I can relate a bit to that. I don’t care what things look so much as how characters think and feel. So to me, that’s awesome that you’re in their heads so well. And speaking of “think and feel,” – LOL – Do you think real life can ever live up to the romantic ideal?
R-R.V I think that depends on your romantic ideal. The romantic ideal for me and in my stories is somebody that you can depend on and that can depend on you. I know that real life can live up to that “ideal”.
J.W. That was beautifully stated. Just your style, succinct and poignant. Which romance tropes appears in your books?
R-R.V Well, my stories generally include either “Cast full of gay” or “Everyone is bi” and sometimes “Single-Target Sexuality” as well as “Gayngst”, “Pretty boy”, “Long-haired pretty boy”, “One head taller”, “Wholesome crossdresser”, “True companions” and “Act of true love”. That’s the ones I can think of from the top of my head.
J.W. That’s cool. Those all made me smile because we all have our niche, our calling, if you will. I’m grateful you sat down and chatted with me. I’m intrigued by your project and am looking forward to watching it grow.
R-R. Varg’s Bio
R-R. Varg is a 35-year-old shounen ai writer living in a small apartment in northern Sweden together with 4 cats and a dragon.
Storytelling has always been R-R’s major hobby, but it was not until recently that a sudden realization hit R-R. Getting published turned into more than just a childhood dream, it’s about to become a reality.
Look forward R-R’s debut novella from the Scrambled collection series, it will be self-published in 2018.
Visit R-R’s information hub at: http://rin-rins.net