I am a rebel.
Um. Okay, I’ll be honest.
I’m rebellious.
That’s difficult to admit. In fact, I feel like I should say —
My name is Julia, and I’m rebellious.
Some of it really is because I’ve found things that work for me, and the things that are more “normal” don’t work for me. For instance socks. I don’t wear socks on a regular basis. Seams. I don’t need to say more than that. Those who know, know. Those who don’t, won’t get it. And that’s okay.
The reason I bring this up is because it’s the beginning of a new year.
Many people hold to the tradition of Resolutions. Goals are awesome. It’s great to head a
direction if you can. Many people follow up on the Resolution tradition with the nearly as popular Break the Resolution tradition. I can’t get myself to do that. Why put all that effort into coming up with a goal only to blow it off? For some it’s exercise daily, for others it’s to drink more water. Some people choose to make huge changes, others want small changes.
I don’t go with resolutions at the beginning of the year. If a habit is worth starting, it’s worth starting in November or October or even the middle of January, anytime really.
If you haven’t made any resolutions, good for you! 😀 If you have and you’ve broken them, rethink them and try again tomorrow. And if you’ve made them and have kept them – Well done.
Just in case you were cur
ious, I have made some goals for myself. I do this every so often, so don’t get too excited that I did it at the beginning of January. 😉 I’m not sharing them here though. Not today. I might share them when I check them off. They’re insane goals, and I don’t know that I can do them. So I’m not going to spout them off.
But I wish you success on yours and for your year, and I hope you’ll do the same for me.
Happy New Year! 😀