I’m late, and missed June 😀 It was a rough month. Which makes me wonder why I didn’t get to this fun bit sooner. Oh, I know, that would have been wise. LOL
This time, I have the honor of hanging out with Milli Gilbert. Milli is a fun nerdy girl who may or may not be a rabid Cumberbatch fan; a fact that gets played up in her upcoming Nerdgasm novel. I’ve had the pleasure of reading a few of her pieces and have thoroughly enjoyed them.
J.W. So, Milli, do you proofread/edit your own books, or do you get someone to do that for you?
M.G. I take it as far as I can. But I definitely need to have someone else proof read it (a couple times, a couple different people!) for spelling, punctuation, and grammar problems. I know what I meant to say, so that’s how I read it, even if that’s not what the page actually says.
J.W. Oh, boy, is that an undeniable truth. Being nerdy myself, I know why I write romance; why did you choose to write romance?
M.G. Because why not? I love a happy ending, and a romance is guaranteed to have it. Also, I love the challenge of “how many ways can the same story be written?” I mean, really, it’s a basic formula. Character A meets Character B, and a) they like each other or b) they hate each other. The trick is finding new ways for people to fall in love and get to their happy ending. I also wonder which two personalities floating around in the world that is my head are going to find each other next? How do they work together?
There’s a bit of a thrill to watching two of my characters fall for each other, and it’s always exciting, listening to their story. The question is whether or not I can write fast enough to get it all down, or if they’re like my Rafe character, I have to torture him to get anything out of him.
J.W. LOL Love it. And it seems like there’s always one, doesn’t it? On another track, would you, or do you, use a PR agency?
M.G. Maybe some day, but by the time I can afford that, I’ll have all the knowledge and won’t need them. Then again, I might also have less time to devote to marketing, so… it’s a possibility, anyway.
J.W. Good points. Okay, back to the fun stuff. Which of your published works was your favorite to write and why?
M.G. I’d have to say… Perfect Ten. It holds a special place in my heart as my first published work, so there’s the sentimental value of it, plus I got to “research” rodeos and bull-riding accidents to make the flashback more realistic. Plus, I just love my main character, Tenley. She’s spunky and not afraid to go after what she wants, and can stand up for herself. She doesn’t need a man to protect and provide for her. But if he’s the right man (in her case, Greyson Jones) she’ll welcome it. Plus, it was just a fun, easy story to write – it only took a few days for the first draft, and then a couple weeks for the revisions and edits!
J.W. That’s wonderful! I know I enjoyed reading it too. Okay, now for the kicker question. Dun dun duunnnn. How do you relax?
M.G. Legos, of course! And playing with the kids. Beach time is always fun, or fishing, camping, or bike rides. And my garden. That was a new one as of last year, and I’m planning a much bigger one for the future, complete with an office shed (yes, I design all of my characters’ houses too, because I need the visual, and I need to keep it consistent, plus playing with a house’s layout is just fun.) Oh, and coloring books. I love the smell of Sharpie in the morning!
J.W. LOL Love it! Thank you for spending some time answering questions.
M.G. Thanks so much for having me, Julia! I had a great time, being your goof — I mean, *guest* — of honor this month!
An eclectic writer, Milli Gilbert is a stay-at-home mom who loves to play with words almost as much as she loves to play with her kids. All of her stories involve romance, and maybe a little bit of mystery. Milli loves to write about cowboys and shifters, and can usually be found trying to find interesting ways to combine them. She also writes erotica/romantica under a different name. She has several short stories published, and will have her first full length novel out in November 2017. She just took off after one of her couples to follow them around for a few months – but don’t worry, she’ll be back. If not, you can find her on Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest, or follow her on Twitter.
And of course, on her blog, Hairballs of Genius.