Showing 13 Result(s)

It Takes a Village…

Often, a novel is referred to as a baby. We writers spend hours upon hours, nurturing, directing, tearing down and building up. And, like bringing up children, we can’t do this alone. No matter how much we want to. WARNING: SEGUE Writers are, it seems, by nature, solitary types. We sit in a room full …

Books Goals

Next on the agenda…

Upcoming is Life’s a Beach. It’s about Kathryn, a bitter devorcee who just wants her ex to be a father to their son, and Dillon, a detective who finds Kathryn an interesting mystery. And surprise! There’s another dog. 😀 Kathryn hopes that Bruno will keep her sexy neighbor away. Right now, I’m in the process of revising …

Books Featured Post

Roadster Romance is UP!

Get your Free copy fast. It’ll be $2.99 sometime on Monday 8/21/17. Roadster Romance on Amazon  Or search for Roadster Romance on your favorite Ebook seller. It’s available on Amazon, iBooks, Google Books, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo. If you like it, please consider leaving a review. And thank you for your support. 😀 I had …

Books Goals Randomness

Taking the Plunge

It’s hot this summer. Okay. It’s hot every summer in my little corner of the world. It’s too far a reach for this segue, so I’ll just get straight the point rather than making some tragically failed attempt at a water metaphor. 😀 I did it. I hit finalize and submit. Roadster Romance will be …

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